Additional information
Liczba elementów | 16 |
Średnica (mm) | 12 |
Długość (mm) | 128 |
Kolor elementu mieszalnika | red |
Końcówka | stepped |
APCom Józefa Mazura 4, 41-253 Czeladź | tel.: +48 32 3603296
The RM12-16 Dynamic Mixer is used to mix substances using a dispensing device. The nozzles have rotating elements for mixing materials of very different viscosities. The spatulas are placed loosely in the tube so that they can move freely. At their end there is a hole in which a hook is placed that sets the elements in motion. This results in maximum thorough mixing of the materials. The mixer is screwed to the batching machine by means of a fastening nut. MSR Dynamic Mixers can be used with epoxy resins, polyurethanes, silicones and many other adhesives and sealants for various applications.
Liczba elementów | 16 |
Średnica (mm) | 12 |
Długość (mm) | 128 |
Kolor elementu mieszalnika | red |
Końcówka | stepped |