Precise multi-component dispensing – it is not just the right proportion that matters.
Multi-component dispensing is not just about mixing the ingredients together properly. Simply combining the individual components is the final part of the entire dispensing process. The key in correctly dispensing e.g. a 2K (2Component) material is to feed each component into the dispensing head in the required quantity, and to properly prepare each component before the mixing itself. When we say ‘preparation’, we should take into account all the additional activities associated with the need to maintain its correct properties.
Additional activities needed to maintain the correct properties of the ingredients:
♦️ mixing/circulation – enables the homogeneous structure of the material to be maintained,
♦️ heating,
♦️ cooling,
♦️ degassing – removal of dissolved gas in the liquid (e.g. by depressurising the vessel) our vacuum chamber.
Proper attention to each component will result in a higher quality product.